Sunday, November 9, 2008


Dear Stranger:

Hello! My name is Mabelita and this is my first blog. I think I`m starting to enter to the world were you can be able to tell a lot about you without having to say your problems personally. Well I will start telling some things about myself. To begin I live in Cofradia a little town from Honduras. Honduras is a country that is in the center of Central America it is not so advanced like U.S., but it is appropriate for living. I`m 13-years-old and what I do most of my time is stay in home watching T.V., do my home work, and study (not too much but a little bit). I`m in 9 grade and some of my teachers are American. I study in San Jeronimo Bilingual School; I like my school a lot because I have my two BEST FRIENDS near me. They are LIDIA and IRENE, but I`m worried about going to high school because I don`t want us to be separated because making new friends in a new school is really difficult for me because I don`t know if the new people will be really my friends that`s why I like being in here because I know them since I was 8-years- old, it is hard to find such good friends like mines; the type of music I like is pop like monsoon by Tokyo Hotel or Wake Up Call and Super Star by Maroon Five or Ironic by Alanis Marisette. Some days when I`m in my room alone I like to listen music all day long to forget about preoccupations that I have, I NOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING: what problems would a 13 year old girl have but I DO and they are not so big but to worry about.

When it is raining I like to go to a window and have a cup of hot chocolate and see the rain and how it falls down raindrop by raindrop. Now the FUNNY PART comes. 2 years ago when I was in 7 grade 8 and 7 grade were together because it was only 4 ninth graders and 3 eight graders so the girls from nine, eight and seven grade and we did a slumber party in Lidia`s house it was so funny like when it was late and we went out to the corridor and there were some boys in the park throwing water balloons to each other and we thought that they were robbers and we ran inside the house. Because Lidia`s father have a construction he made another house with rooms that is up his house so we had one hole house only for us and it was funny when we turn off the lights of the hallway because we were afraid of going alone to the room where the refrigerator was so we went all of us in a line and the first one had to turn on the light. It was the first and funniest slumber party that I have ever gone to.


Anonymous said...


I remember being 13. 13 is the first year you're a teenager...its a big exciting and scary year. You seem to be facing it with great confidence!

I am a 4th grade teacher in America. My kids are 11 years old. I have 22 of them this year! They keep me busy!

I also love going to my room at home and listening to music. My husband laughs at me because I like to dance around while I listen! "Ironic" is a great song. It'll always be one of my favorites.

Enjoy your rainy days, hot chocolate, friends, and music. Most importantly enjoy who you are!


JTK said...

Hi Mabelita,
What a great blog entry. I liked your comment about rainfalls and watching the drops fall.

I know the thought of going to a new school next year can be scary, but we are all excited for you to start the next phase in your life. And, San Jeronimo Bilingual School and your BECA teachers will always be there for you to visit with and keep in touch with. We want to follow you and all of your successes in the years to come.

Be good, work hard, enjoy,

(Miss) Jaime

Unknown said...

Hi Mabelita!
I love the picture of you on the blog. Your story about the slumber party at Lidia's was really funny. I could picture all of you running around screaming!
I also like what you said about listening to music and forgetting about your worries. I still do that a lot, whenever I get stressed or sad...sometimes when I'm really happy, too!
I can't wait to come and visit you all at SJBS again. Take care, and be nice to Mr. Drew, Miss Tyler, and all your other teachers!
Take care sweetie,
Miss Jasmine